Ways to Make Spring Cleaning Fun

One Person’s Trash is Another Person’s Treasure… or Trip

One way you can make your spring cleaning more enjoyable is by selling your clutter & creating a vaca fund! I definitely can resonate with the process of spring cleaning feeling so daunting the reward of having a clean space may not seem as motivating. However, one way to kick this perspective in the butt, is by putting aside a big jar and planning to sell the items you come across while cleaning for a vacation fund! You could also donate items to clean them out of your space even faster, all while benefitting people who could benefit from the items more than you. If that doesn’t sound more motivating, I don’t know what does!

A great thing about this is that Facebook Marketplace is popping off so much in recent years, that as you find things you think you could live without or don’t use as much, just snap a pic of it and post it right away and keep on cleaning! That way everything is already posted and gaining attention as you go, so all you have to do is clean it out of the area it was, and make a pile of “For Sale” items so the space you’re cleaning looks top notch!

What a win win situation!

  • You end up with a clean space

  • Your items are getting purged & organized

  • Other people get items that benefit them more than they were benefitting you

  • Its an easy peasy extra step of posting the items as you go

  • AND you end up getting to travel at the end of it!

Create a Game Out of It!

Create a scavenger hunt for the items you’ve been looking for! Remember that pillow case you haven’t been able to find? Well, here is your perfect chance to create a scavenger hunt list of all of those items you haven’t been able to find, things or spaces you’ve been meaning to organize, or those things you have been putting off (like that ding in the wall that you’ve been meaning to patch up). Then not only are the items on the list getting completed, you also get the satisfaction and self appreciation by checking the things off the list! GO YOU!

This could also make your job seem less stressful. By organizing your to-do list/ scavenger hunt list by room, it gives you a bit of an easier time to get through it all instead of scheduling one full day/weekend/week to do it. Because then you can tackle it room by room for a couple hours here and there, and you don’t have to exhaust yourself as much! It also is WAY easier to start when the tasks seem smaller like that.


Competition Anyone?

After mentioning the scavenger hunt list organized by room, why not make it even easier for yourself? Assign a specific room or rooms to the other people in the house! After all, a house is a collective effort for everyone living there. Whoever gets their rooms completed first gets rewarded with something! This is perfect for the kiddo’s as well, assigning them responsibility of their play room for example. Not only will they see the responsibility it takes to take care of their own space, but it will also teach them young of ways to stay organized and of organization techniques they could use for life!

Dance it Out!

One of my favourite ways to make a cleaning day more enjoyable, is by blasting the music and dancing it out! If it is warm enough for it, crack the windows and get some fresh air & spring breeze flowin’ in, and have a great time blasting some tunes! Though an alternative I always go for on cleaning days I’m not in the mood for music, is by putting on some movies to listen to or some of your favourite tv shows to entertain you as you go.


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